Friday, 10 August 2012

Olympic Fever

Had a busy few days, on Wednesday I raked the outfield then cut it with the gang mowers, continued to clean out and roll pitch for weekend, and went to Horbury Lawn Mowers to pick up my Sisis Rota rake after repairs. It had no power and the only way I could make it work was with the choke out. Jon said that the carb, was part bunged up with rubbish (not surprising as I us it mostly as a power brush so it has to work in a dusty environment) anyway its working OK now.
Thursday I was at Pool C C till about 1-00 cleaning out a pitch for their first team a week on Saturday. Clive the groundsman told me that the pitches are performing well after Koroing at the end of last season he went so far as to say it is one of the best things they have done in a long while along with Verti-Draining the outfield, good to see and hear that pitch/ground improvements are high on the agenda at Pool.
In the afternoon I got the 4' tractor PTO mounted brush with collection box out and brush up and collected all the rubbish left on the surface form the previous days raking, made a practise pitch on the square, only three guys showed up so I rolled my arm over for a hour or so -before you ask no I am not intending to make a come back.
One other thing I did was to mark out and mow into the outfield the five Olympic Rings, pictures are on Face-book and Twitter. I have still not sorted my camera problems out hence all these words and no pictures.

 The Olympic rings.

I have still got that spot on/in the lens and I have cleaned it time and time again.
The Olympic Rings, I was put up to do this by the lads, they caught me when I was most vulnerable after a pint or three last Saturday night.
Friday saw me at Calverley cutting their out field then back at Kirkstall to double cut my outfield -that's about a four and a half hour job.
I cut the pitch and gave it a quick roll before calling it an day at 7-00pm.

A few cracks appearing nothing to worry about the edges are firm and they are not too large

Decent grass cover it is nice to have the weather to assist pitch preparation for a change.

Just to give it a quick cut roll mark out and the boundary to white line in the morning a nice steady one!
What did I just say I have just had the second team skipper on they are short and wants a player I am sure I said earlier in this post that there is no come back intended I said I would sleep on it, I can feel a bad back coming on.
Sleep well

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