Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Some Progress

Well I got down to ground at around 8-00am started by brushing square with hand pulled drag brush. Things were a little wet, so I fit the six foot brush to the back of tractor and brushed the uncut part of the outfield and lined up stumps to get my stripes back in the process.

I think you will need to enlarge to see the stumps I had lined up to help me get the stripes back.
Things were still wet and I was thinking that the worm casts and bare areas of soil would pick up on the Mastiff, so I fit the rotary brush with the collection bin to the tractor and swept a bin full of leaves up from the edges of the ground-sorry I was that involved that I forgot to take any photos.

It was then a case of just getting on with the job of mowing if I was to do it at all. I set to with the Mastiff and yes it did pick a load of soil up on the front roller and the seat roller so I think I flatted as much grass as I cut.
It did look a lot better when I had finished though.

This part of the ground had the big collecting brush over it, you can see the tractor tyre marks if you look and if you enlarge the picture you can see the red collecting brush I used by the side of the score box.

Some of you will have seen this picture if you follow Harrell's on Face-book these are my "trial plots"# pots" the pot on the right is straight Colosseum  cold season New Zealand  Perennial Rye Grass  and the one on the left is a top quality mix of Sauvignon, Cachmire, and Carnac. The Colosseum is out performing the mix by miles at this time of year. They were both cut on Friday the 24 th Feb photo taken today 29th Feb just look at the difference. Colosseum would be good if we have to overseed/seed in the autumn or even late autumn.
If anyone would like a small sample to try please let me know and I will sort it for you.

Some of you may remember back in Nov/Dec I had this brush in bits well I finally got it back together with a new brush fit today- -actually its my old brush re bristled by Brushes North West their web site is worth a look they have videos of my running up and down with all  kinds of brushes fit to my tractor They have an well priced brush for use on astra turf -3G or what ever you can adjust a bar which makes the brush stiffer on not as you require again worth a look. I digress by the time I got the thing put back together it was just about dark. I set the brush so it was just to say touching the soil and brushed half a dozen pitches in the semi-dark as the photo shows.

This is some of the rubbish I got out a yellow brownish colour all this would make thatch if I left it on the surface.

Here you can see the lighter area that I have just brushed, it was almost dark when I took this how good are  cameras now a days. Blimey this has been a marathon of a post make it last cause I am preparing for my art exhibition tomorrow so no post.
Keep the peace.


  1. certainly putting in the hours now hodgy, its starting to look very nice indeed, spring is on its way...........hoooray.......

  2. Thanks Phil
    I have just seen that cold weather and rain/sleet/snow is on its way Sunday and early next week, so dont be fooled.
