Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Trip to Horbury Lawnmowers

After sorting out one or two things at home off I went to load up my machines to take them to Horbury Lawnmowers for winter service I have been using Jon there for a number of years now. My first task was to get the scorebox door open -no problem there Oh yes. after the recent break in I have been using the post in front of the door which is an extra obstacle for possible burglars to over come. What had happened though was that the very cold night had frozen the post in the socket as there is always water at the bottom of it.

Here you can see the what I mean. I started thinking no problem just a quick squirt from the van ice spray that we all use in the winter, no joy, get the crow bar out and a sharp tap and a bit of leverage that will do the trick- no chance Ive got it if I pee on it than the jobs a good un still it would not yield. So I had to go open up the club house get a bucket of boiling water to break the ices grip.

 As a club we are trying to get a grant so we can completely fence around the whole ground we are getting people pushing through the top fence and Leylandi hedge a cutting across the ground -if you enlarge this photo you will be able to see where some one with small feet has walked right across the square -not good.

This graffiti has appeared since Christmas and we have had two break ins I am sure with a secure fence completely around the ground some of this will be avoided.
I digress back to the machines -one machine belonging to me I was  trading in lieu of some work I was having done on a set of gang mowers was stored in my container so off I went down to the yard to pick it up.

 All now fully loaded and strapped up -off I went.

Cylinder and bottom blade grinding machine at Horbury Lawnmowers -my machines will be on it soon.

Grinder control panel.

Just a few views of the mowing machines in stock awaiting spring time mostly domestic -that's where the biggest market is.


  1. I found footprints on my square today too, not funny :-(

    1. I am not sure it would be good for us to know what goes off on the square when we're not around.

  2. You have been peeing on the scorebox?!?!

    1. I have been waiting for someone to pick that one up.

  3. Will have to dock you some wages for that kind of behaviour!! People normally go round the back for a pee!!!
