Monday 28 January 2013

Green after the Snow

How green the grass looks after it has been under snow for a couple of weeks. Today I went down to ground for the first time since the snow had melted and you guessed it was under water well just about. I have just seen the forecast for tomorrow and more rain is to come with further amounts due on Thursday.The ground has been saturated since last April with reduced oxygen at the grass roots the squares I have see are struggling.

This is a little worrying at the bottom of the ground these are not of my doing. So I just wonder who has been down the ground in a vehicle the damage is only on the surface so is not a concern in its self but whats going on?
Maybe this could be something to do with it?

These frames had wheels now they don't someone has stolen them.
What a pain.

You may remember the few warm days just after the start of the year. Well I seeded the bare ends at the bottom of the square and covered with the germination sheets it then snowed on top of the sheets so they remained on for 3 weeks. I was fearing the worst, forced growth and disease I got a surprise it wasn't to bad I have got a tiny amount of germination and a little disease but overall I got away with it.
So today I threw some more seed on them (I will get some grass to grow)

There was more disease on the rest of the square than under the sheets. I didn't spray with fungicide before the snow I try to use as few chemicals as I can cause they are expensive and try do my little bit for the environment if I can. I am hope this will grow out with out having to resort to treating.

I brushed the square in two directions and decided that was about all I could do on the day.

I did notice a few worm casts so I think I will have to turn to the chemical bottle to treat them.

Here you can see the standing water, not a good sign.

A better view showing some of the new seed, I suspect the pigeons will sleep well tonight after their feed.
Good night all.

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