Monday 31 October 2011

Fertilised Square

Sorry there has been no update for a day or two. Had a busy weekend which included a "Stars in you Eyes" night at the club. All to help raise much needed funds to see us through the winter months when we still have  virtually the same overheads but with little income. So we rely on club nights and private hires and hope that the small surplus we have built up over the summer will see us through.
We have been fortunate enough to get an ECB grant which will go towards replacement of our old
in-efficient and unreliable boiler. That is work that is just starting and I have the job of sorting it out with the plumber all of which takes time out of my working day.
I as you all will be, am an avid weather watcher and I saw that rain is forecast to-night so I took advantage and got some Autumn Winter fertiliser on my square. I hope it will start to wash it in over night.

On Wednesday this week I am off on the train up to Scotland, to the IOG'S Scotsturf with my fellow groundsman Henry it is our annual day out. I would very much like to go to SALTEX but it falls right in my busy period at the start of don't win them all. I hope I will pick up some new ideas to put to test. I want to visit the Symbio stand as I am looking at a new ways to manage my square, if possible by getting all the good bugs on my side and helping the grass through the roots. Lets see what they say.

Sorry no pictures taken today which is not how I intended it to be, lets just remember the summer when there was some action. The top photo was taken on the 27th August 2011  and the second  was taken at the first out door practise (or should it be practice?) on the 29th March 2011. Look how dry it was back in the Spring time.

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