Wednesday 19 October 2011

What a beautiful day

Had some domestic and office jobs to do this morning so didn't get down to ground till after lunch. What a shame on such a beautiful day. I thought I would cut the outfield just to even it up a bit. I got the tractor out and fitted the old Huxley triple, it needed some fiddling with to higher the cut as I had not used it since the season had ended.

I should have brushed the outfield first as the rollers were picking up worm casts in parts however wanting to get on I didn't. I was thinking that I was flattening the grass not cutting it which was the case where the grass was short and had not grown much since it was last cut but it was cutting the longer areas and evening it up a bit. As my outfield contains all sorts of different kinds of grasses it grows very unevenly and is hard to present well.

I had a visit from a little black cat that has been coming around for a few years now I encourage it thinking it might catch a mouse or two I have enough with the pigeons eating my seed.

Thought I would then do a bit of mowing around the score box and net area with the rotary mower. All was going well until I heard a mighty clanging sound coming from it, on inspection the belt had jumped off the pulley and got tangled in the blade -bad news- I re fit it only for a second occurrence. So I am thinking oh no! that's a trip to the belt shop, when I made an important discovery hung up an the wall I had a spare belt I had got the last time this happened - I am getting old and cant remember things, so it was a total surprise to me that I had been that organised once-

 I will need to get it fitted the next time I am down at ground witch won't be tomorrow Thursday, as I will be painting with my artist colleagues. Below are some random photos I took today.

It not all good this area has been over sown.

If you enlarge this one with the apple tree you might be able to see the squirel

Sorry no post tomorow painting

1 comment:

  1. Lovely photo's hodgy, the grass always looks greener in yorkshire.
