Thursday 27 October 2011

Part time artist

I said there would be no update today but just thought I would sneak these two painting in I have completed today. In the winter months I spend most Thursdays painting with a group of artists I am a member of. We are working towards an exhibition next spring not ---sure how that will work with my ground responsibilities.

Anne walking down a ginnell in Keswick
Acrylic on canvas.

The walk to easedale Tarn Grasmere
Acrylic on canvas.
This is the sort of thing I need to do to supplement my earnings as a Groundsman, hope you enjoyed this little diversion sorry if you were looking for grounds stuff.


  1. Brilliant paintings, Hodgy! Top work!

  2. Thank you Rashers very kind of you to say.

  3. I think you have the skill to become a great artist. I love your works!

    Jobs Brisbane
