Thursday 12 April 2012

Leeds Met Boys on Grass and a Visit to Pool C C

When I arrived at the ground this morning the Met Boys were already there I thought they were down at
12-30 that one wrong. So as quick as I could I got to work on the grass nets. Now as we had some heavy showers yesterday -with no covering- they were on the damp side. So I did not mow the pitch
-I wanted the grass to give a little protection- I just rolled and marked it out. I was a little concerned that the ball might take pieces out -so they used old balls with out much seam- I needn't have worried the surface held that was a bonus.

From what I saw they were consistent -which is good- on the slow side with some lateral movement, which is exactly what I would expect ... No drama there, thank goodness. After I got these boys up and running it was off to Pool C C. as I am getting busier I am forgetting to take photos sorry I must get into more of a routine but I get my head down and just forget.

The square at Pool on my arrival you may remember this is the square that was Korroed at the end of last season. I had a good look over the square and it has a good cover of grass one or two weak areas -nothing to worry about- Clive has already over seeded them and rolled it in to the surface, which is good.
They purchased a new fertiliser spreader and I am not sure they have quite mastered its use yet. If you look over the square you can see areas with flush growth and areas a little on the yellow side you will be able to see -in the next few photos- on the pitch I was preparing that it as a very green strip down its length.
 I just want to remind you what this square was like third week of September last, the pictures below were taken on my mobile phone which is nearly as old as I am, so I apologise about the quality.

Korroed top dressed and seeded late September 2011
Why have these photos gone out of line very annoying as I cant get it right.

Here is the pitch I am preparing for a week on Saturday the 21st the first league game of the season when Pools 1st team are at home so there are another ten days to go. Top taken off brushed and cut twice.
Can you see the green line down the left hand side of the pitch where it has had more fertiliser than the rest?

General view of the square including the pitch under preparation.

The two photos above are from the opposite end you can see the green strip on the right. Because the square was Korrowed all thatch and rubbish was removed the pitch will take a lot less raking/brushing out than you would normally expect.

 Back to Kirkstall and the Met boys are still hard at it. I try to give them a fair deal and do what I can to help them they were grateful of the grass net today and i was grateful the they had covered my pitch which is being prepared on the square...Thank you boys. they have been down here now for a half day and a full one and it has an impact on the field so I will have to do some tidying up tomorrow. again I must say that they move around the field so as not to do too much damage to one particular spot.

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