Friday 6 April 2012

Two Pitches Cut Out

I have been busy at the ground today starting pitch preparations.
This is the bit I have been waiting for all winter long.
I have two preseason friendlies next week-end the 14th and 15th, so it was time to make a start. I have chosen pitch number 2 which strangely enough is the second in from the edge of the square. It never got played on last season just because it is so near the boundary, this year I am going to play the under 15 on it after I get a couple or so senior games of sorts out of it. 
Pitch identified- taking the top off- mower set at about 1/2".

First cut completed.
Raked for first time.

Cleaning the rubbish from the rake.

After mowing for the second time -height still same.

Second raking.

In all I raked three times that means I mowed four times.
I then got the Sisis Rotor Rake out with the brush fit and brushed. above you can see the rubbish from the first brushing.

I brushed twice before lowing the height of cut - this is when you will be thinking what height is the machine set at now? Well to tell you the truth I don't know but what I do know through experience is that it is right for now -remember the game is 9 days away yet. I then brushed for a third time and finished off with a cut.
After the final cut for today.
Time to get the roller out. What I should have said is that this is the pitch I rolled for an hour or so yesterday and it has plenty of moisture in it, partly because I have left a good grass cover on it -till now- which helped to slow down evaporation.

I repeated the whole process on number one net.

About this time two Red Kites came flying over the ground the Crows don't like them and try to drive them away. You will need to enlarge to get a better view -I only had my 18-55mm lens with me.

All cut out raked, brushed and ready to roll.
I know I am a little late in starting preparation -hey! that's how it is sometimes at club level- but I hope to have the guys training on this next Tuesday.

Rolled and looking a bit like a pitch now.
Look at the awful graffiti, drives me mad.

Not quite white, plenty of grass still on there.
Its good to see a pitch cut out and progressing. I am still waiting to see my first Swallow/House-martin of the Summer but like the cricket season I am sure its not far away now.

Lets get the stumps in.

I intended on getting the outfield cut today but it started raining and look black and ominous so at about
4-30 I called it a day. Tomorrow we are having our Cricket Force day  I know we are a week late but at the time we set the date we thought that we would have more people this week rather than last but as with most projects that involve players they appear thin on the ground. That life at a small Cricket Club.
Have a good Easter.

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