Wednesday 18 April 2012

Rain Rain and more Rain

Today it rained just about all day, so I took the chance to sort out collections and deliveries of fertiliser and other groundsman's requisites.

I have done my best by sheeting but I fear it will have run under. I am also concerned that I may be getting disease under the white sheet as it has been on already for two days I will only know when I dare take it off.
These two photos were taken this morning -Wednesday.

Standing water at the bottom end of the ground, within an hour of the rain stopping this will be gone due to our drainage system -which was installed a few years ago now with an ECB grant- is very efficient and has saved many a game.

By the time the afternoon came a pair of ducks arrived. It is amazing because I never see them until it rains that hard the outfield floods and then they appear as if from the ether.
This weather is making preparations very difficult -nigh impossible- it is a stressful time for groundsmen but we just have to deal with it as we cant control it.
Off to bed.
"John-Boy please let it be fair in the morning Nigh Night"

1 comment:

  1. Jon boy says, if you had let me know you were at the ground I would have come down and paid what Hall Park owe you. It's still in a bank bag for you, Dave. Hope I don't spend it in the amusements if I can't get on the ground (lol)!

    Nite, Dave.
